The Xanadu Network
Global Anticipatory Response
We called our first Center, built in Boulder, Colorado, in 1980 the Anticipatory Management Center. People had a great deal of trouble with the name. How can management, they asked, “be anticipatory?”
Anticipatory management is the act building systems and organizations that can co-evolve with their environment in real time. It is designing for emergence [link: zone of emergence engine]. It requires a systemic response capability - one that is requisite with the rate of change [link: rate of change] and the complexity of the world in which the work is being done and life is to be lived. It is the opposite of “designing your future by default [link: a future by...].” It is the practice of what Bucky Fuller called “anticipatory design science.” Developing a system to do this kind of work has been my focus since 1975. We are the generation [link: a testament] that will step up to this task or we risk defaulting on our responsibility and failing in the task, in partnership with all life, of co-evolving our future. This is leaving our life to chance.
Bucky once told me that “I would build his house.” Xanadu is my answer to this challenge. I told him that my work was to remove the blocks to that which prevented his work - and all like work - from being built. This is the same that I told Al Gore, three decades later, when we were discussing his passion about global warming. Global warming is one of several symptoms of a deeper issue [link: al gore drivers]. It is this deeper issue that we, as a species, must understand and act with appropriate response [linK: appropriate response model].
I can understand that thinking about the future in this way seems like to many to be incomprehensive-able and strange. We have never had to do this before [link: the story of ogg]. Now, we have created the circumstances that force us to do so or back into the future at our peril.
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Matt Taylor
September 16, 2005


SolutionBox voice of this document:



posted: September 11, 2005

revised: September 11, 2010
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(note: this document is about 3% finished)

Copyright© Matt Taylor 2005, 2006 , 2010