“In Xanadu a Stately...”
Abscape for Stan Leopard
THEME and Context
After over four decades of thought, this will be the first fully executed Abscape. It is fitting, I think that it be part of the Leopard Studio project. The background of the Abscape concept is provided by my piece on the subject [link: abscapes], as well as, is context for the Leopard work [abscape of xanadu].
This article will develop the THEME of the work and put it into the context of the Studio Project and the greater perspective of my body-of-work. It is one of the first movements in a Glass Bead Game of what may well be several decades duration.

The Abscape panel is 4 feet wide by 6 feet o and 1/2 inches high.

The two photos show how it is framed and the drawing provides a sense of human scale.

The window screens will be open more often than not after the rear yard Patio Trellis is constructed. The eye will be pulled toward the outside more than it is now. This Trellis will also match the one between the front Entry and the new Studio making a strong axis line, from the Studio, through the Dining-Conference Room (and centered on the table) out to the back yard.

The round, rotating table will be set with five Frank Lloyd Wright Barrel Chairs [link: fllw barrel chair]. This will put some low-profile mass around the table. The only other piece of furniture in the room will be Stan’s rocker.

At 90 degrees rotation to the axis line and on the wall opposite the gray colored picture wall, the Abscape will dominate a subordinate space. In a room of neutral and almost monochromatic colors, its color and texture - and theme - will stand out - a strong statement from an unexpected source as it cannot be seen until you enter the room.

Matt Taylor
June 2, 2007

 SolutionBox voice of this document:

posted: June 2, 2000
revised: June 2, 2007

• 20070602.336363.mt •

 note: this document is about 1% finished
Copyright© Matt Taylor 2007

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