design studio

Re-purposing the old Shopping Center
@ The Palo Alto knOwhere Store
July 2001

Facilitator: Matt Taylor
Course Instrutor: Fred Stitt
Sponsor Team: Matt Fulvo, Renaldo Miranda, Jona Bernardi, Scott Arenz,
KnowledgeWorker support and transfer: Jeff Johnston


Location: Palo Alto knOwhere Store
Dates: July 27 - 29
Hours: Friday 6 pm to 9 pm. Saturday 9 am to 9 pm. Sunday 9 am to 5 pm.

Sponsor Team starts at noon Friday.

It is essential to this process that everyone be present for the entire time and that cell phone and other distractions are not allowed into the design space. This is a collaborative learning and desigfn exercise. Any coming and going disrupts the integrity of the team.


What to bring: Mostly yourself. Bring any prior course work documentation you will want to share and use. There is a shower at the knOwhere Store and the studio hours are long so if you want to stay overnight at the store bring a bed roll, cleanup kit and towel. Food will be brought in during the session - there are no breaks. Each participant is asked to pay their pro-rata share of food costs which we will keep as resonable as possible.


What to expect: An intensive leaning and design session where you will be focusing on shaping the project under study and learning collaborative work processes. Participants will participate in all exercises and take turns at providing KnowledgeWorker support as practiced by MG Taylor.

It is expected that about 50% of those attending this studio will be those that worked with Fred last semester on this subject. Their knowledge gained will be incorporated into the new work and re-created as well take a fresh look at the problem-set.

The full tool kit of the knOwhere Store will be available for use so there will be hands on experience in information capture, real-time web posting, video capture and editing and so on. With our guidance, the participants will self-document and produce their event product real-time.

The long term goal of this course is to create publishable materials related to the subject. In this case, older shopping centers that have not evolved with the times pose both an interesting problem and opportunity. There are a variety of architectural, ecological and economic issues that today are unfortunately treated as separate disciplines. As long as this continues to be the approach, of course, things will remain as they are with the exception of isolated “heroic” efforts.

Our objective is to great the detailed Pattern Language related to this application and create a body of knowledge that can evolve into a practice with wide basic appeal and applicability even as local conditions and variation will be included in any specific design solution.


Matt Taylor
Palo Alto
July 22, 2001

Event Design
Revised Event Design

Link to StrawDog
and support materials

SolutionBox voice of this document:

posted: July 22, 2001

revised: July 22, 2001
• 20010722.192993.mt •

(note: this document is about 10% finished)

Copyright© Matt Taylor 2001



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