logo by Bryan Coffman
The RDS capability is one of the most important in the MG Taylor System and Method. The RDS was conceived in 1983 and has been used for commercial deployments on a regular basis over the last ten years. Its primary purpose of helping communities, in catastrophic circumstances, rebuild themselves into healthy and sustainable cultures is yet to be realized. Recent deployments, and other developments, indicate that this primary use is about to become realized. At the same time, the commercial use of the system is also increasing. Taken together, this opens the possibility for creating a full environment and technology system optimally designed to support a series of rapid and complex deployments.
This Index provides links to various URLs that describe the RDS history and various aspects of its purpose, methods and application.
click on each Masthead Graphic [0n left]
to go toits URL page


With Boulder era Notebook pages and current annotations, the original concept is presented including the story of the first RDS deployment for the FAA. There is a great deal of history in this telling and the seeds of many things that followed can be found in these original documents. This idea was birthed “whole” and I think there is little to be changed today.
Version 1.5 of the RDS Concept Paper, with new notations, defining mission, roles, partnerships, typical deployments, budgets, measures of success. This is the most updated description of the CONCEPT.
The DavosWorkSpace

The RDS was designed to be set up in the Aspen Room of the Davos Congress Center for the 05 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting. It will played a key role in bringing interactive, collaborative work sessions to the meeting.

The result of this Annual Meeting was to establish a WORLD AGENDA, for the first time that contained actionable steps to be taken over the next few years to address chronic, systemic global issues. Significant progress was made.

DAVOD 05 Images
The 05 RDS deployment to DAVOS is history. It was a rich experience and a challenging one. The RDS performed well for the first time out considering it was designed and built in 90 days. This essay conveys a sense of the space, process, and engagement of participants .
RDS @ Club of Madrid
In March 05 the Club of Madrid gathered world leaders to address how we can have democracy and security in today’s world. The RDS was scheduled to leave Davos and go to Madrid to support this event. A last minute change retracted this plan.
Opportunities, challenges and configuration of the European RDS.
ValueWeb structure for deployments, governance processes and program sponsorship are described. Business and social contracts are outlined.
There are always questions. This section attempts to anticipate and answer them. Additional questions can be sent to me by e-mail [link]. I will answer them directly and/or post them in the FAQ as is appropriate.
Building RDS Armature
The process of realizing a piece as complex as the RDS Armature requires multiple work iterations between design, engineering and shop fabrication people. Time was short and passions ran high over the 04 holidays.
Building RDS Shell
The next step is to build the entire RDS shell so that deployments can be made with full NavCenter capability and be independent of the what site conditions may exist. See also the Snowflake Compound [link]. The RDS has to become self sufficient.
These eight articles, together, constitute a fairly comprehensive introduction to the RDS concept, its history and present opportunities. They also indicate a PROGRAM, a path, for bringing the RDS into full reality as envisioned in 1983. This capability is central to the MG Taylor agenda and for creating solutions for Worthy Problems [link] and to fully realized it’s mission [link] on a global scale.
It is a project, however, that is far bigger than myself and MG Taylor. It will take a ValueWeb to make this happen and to sustain it. Gail and I conceived the idea back in the early days of MG Taylor’s birth. MG Taylor has kept this THERE in mind and brought some piece of it to HERE at every opportunity that has presented itself. Now, a level of critical mass is building. A window of opportunity exists. Quo Vatis?
September 4, 2005 Update
Like 9/11, Hurricane Katrina demonstrated the extreme designed-in frailty of our society. Like 9/11, we have not acted appropriately. The Article, below, outlines this vulnerability and suggests how a sustained use of the RDS can relieve the hurt of disaster while starting a systemic response to a social design that contains so many inherent flaws.
click on each Masthead Graphic [0n left]
to go to its URL page
Responding to Katrina
A criticism of the social architecture that renders us so vulnerable to the kinds of disasters most probable in our future. This is a systemic issue that requires a systematic, long term response.
WEF version II
The next generation RDS for the World Economic Forum. Light weight, modular, flexible with an Armature that reconfigures in real time with the rest of the WorkWalls and WorkFurniture. Debut scheduled for Spring 2006.
November 11 , 2005 Update
This new generation of RDS for the WEF is designed to support the Davos WorkPlace at the Annual Meeting and also deploy around the world to a variety of other WEF events. In doing so it will be supporting the resolution of complex global issues. 23 years after concept, the RDS vision begins to become real. Given its long history and commitment to making the world a better place, the World Economic Forum is a fitting venue for this to happen. We have participated in and supported the Forum since 2000. In preparing for the 2006 Annual Meeting with Forum members and engaging in the transfer of the Taylor Method to them we have had the opportunity to understand better the process by which the Forum develops themes and ideas and brings them to their members. This is a long an difficult process which requires a great deal of subtly, sophistication and creativity. The Forum continues to reinvent itself even as it continually goes back to its founding vision. A small insight into the inter workings of this process reveals what an astounding organization the Forum is. MG Taylor has a high expectation that the RDS will blossom in their hands.
Return to INDEX
GoTo: Bootstrap Imto Space
GoTo: Crystal Cave
GoTo: Davos 2005 - IMAGES
GoTo: Gaia Project - Who Represents Earth?
GoTo: Master Planning Process
GoTo: Mega Cities
GoTo: Money - the Tool that Became a God
GoTo: The Monkey’s Paw
GoTo: Planetary Architecture
GoTo: Queens Die Proudly
GoTo: ReDesigning the Future
GoTo: UpSideDown Economics - 12 Aspects
GoTo: Weak Signals
GoTo: Worthy Problems
GoTo: 2006 RDS for WEF
Matt Taylor
October 23, 2004


SolutionBox voice of this document:



posted: October 23, 2004

revised: November 13, 2005
• 20041023.540209.mt
• 20041024.795429.mt •
• 20041031.400912.mt • 20041110.449818.mt •
• 20041227.553920.mt • 20050308.888830.mt •
• 20050904.452300.mt • 20051113.455423.mt •

(note: this document is about 92% finished)

Copyright© Matt Taylor 1983, 1988, 2004, 2005

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